Due to the increasing tariffs on steel and imports from Europe and China, all prices are subject to change.

Welcome to the Technical Information Section of the Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. website and catalog.
Metric & Multistandard is pleased to provide this technical information for you to use as a guide in making your selection of our complete line of Metric & British industrial supplies including; threaded fasteners, non-threaded fasteners, wrenches, cutting tools, measuring tools, British items, tubing/fittings, & assortments.
The technical information section includes: Thread Types, Mechanical Properties, Dimensions/Tolerances, Conversion Charts & Tables, Certifications, and Technical Information FQA’s.
Thread Types Threaded Types
Conversion Charts and Tables Conversion Charts and Tables
Dimensions / Tolerances Dimensions/Tolerances
Mechanical Properties Mechanical Properties
Certifications ISO 9001:2015 Certification
Technical FAQs FAQ Image

Exclusion of warranty of merchantability, exclusions of warranty of fitness for particular purpose and of other responsibilities: Descriptions and information in this Catalog are based on information obtained from our suppliers or from other sources and state only our opinion based thereon, without any responsibility on our part. They are neither a representation nor warranty. All merchandise, descriptions and information are to be carefully examined by the buyer and user by knowledgeable persons before their use. 

There are no warranties of merchantability, nor warranties of fitness for particular purpose, nor any other express or implied representations nor warranties, and, except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, we shall not be responsible for consequential nor any other damages, except that defective or incorrectly shipped merchandise promptly returned to us will either replaced or the purchase price will be refunded by us. Nothing contained herein, in our confirmations of orders, bills, publications, acts and/or communications should be interpreted as an assumption of any greater responsibility on our part and we neither assume nor is any person, representative or agent authorized to assume any greater responsibility or obligation on our part than stated above.
If you need further Technical Information please Contact Us!