Due to the increasing tariffs on steel and imports from Europe and China, all prices are subject to change.

Mechanical Properties
Metric & Multistandard feels a strong knowledge of the mechanical properties of an item is a valuable piece of information in product selection. Understanding mechanical properties gives an indication of how the part should perform under proper application in relation to other products.
Metric & Multistandard offers mechanical properties information on steel non-heat treated property class; 3.6, 4, 4.6, 4,8, 5, 5.6, 6, 6.8, steel heat treated property class 04, 05, 8, 8.8, 9, 9.8, 10, 10.9, 12.9, 45H, 4D / 11H, 5D / 5S / 14H, 6G / 6S / 17H, 8G / 22H, and 8S.

Mechanical Properties for Special Steel Materials

B7, ASTM A193, AISI 4140, AISI 4120, ASTM A194, and CrMo4. The Steel Guide offers a cross reference to additional US, German, European and Italian steels including tool steels.

Mechanical Properties for Stainless Steel Austenitic and Martensitic Grades

A1 / 303 / 1.4305, A2 / 304 / 1.4304 / 1.4303, A4 / 316 / 1.4401, SX / 400 series / 1.4121 / 1.4034, with property classes 50, 70, and 80.

Mechanical Properties for Plastic, Brass and Aluminum

  • Plastic items made of nylon / PA 6-6
  • Brass items made from CU2 / MS 63, CU3 / MS 58
  • Aluminum items made from AL1 / 3.3535 / 5754 / AlMg3, and AL 6 / 3.4365 / 7075 / AlZn5.5MgCu.
For these materials MMCC offer technical information pertaining to the mechanical properties for; chemical composition, tempering temperatures, tensile strength, hardness, yield stress, stress at permanent set limit, tensile loads, proof, loads, corrosion resistance, tightening torques, weldability, shear strength, moisture absorption, peak temperatures, fusion points, electrical resistance, shore hardness, density, and machinability.

If you need further Technical Information on Mechanical Properties please Contact Us!