Due to the increasing tariffs on steel and imports from Europe and China, all prices are subject to change.

Metric & Multistandard Germany
MCG Germany
Halstenbeker Weg 96
25462 Rellingen
As the metric industrial supply distribution business continued to thrive, Metric & Multistandard thought it would be beneficial and economical to centralize Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. European purchases and consolidate incoming freight shipments.  MCG Germany, Metric & Multistandard ’s sister company and purchasing office was opened in 1993.
MCG is a wholly owned "sister" company of Metric & Multistandard Components Corp.

For European, African, Australian and Asian inquiries, please contact the export department below. All North American inquiries must remain with Metric & Multistandard USA.
Phone: 0049(0)4101-400815
Fax: 0049(0)4101-400818
Email: General Contact