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Tab Washers

DIN 93 Metric Tab Washers are used with hexagon head screws or hexagon nuts to keep them from rotating. Whereas most lock washers rely on friction or a spring load between the fastener and the mating surface to keep a fastener from loosening, Tab Washers are bent against the side of fastener to keep it from turning.

Metric Tab Washers

DIN 93 Metric Tab Washers have one tab and a large outside diameter. The tab is bent against part of the mating surface and a section of the round part of the washer is bent up against the head of the fastener. Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. offers DIN 93 Metric Tab Washers in Steel and Stainless Steel. Please contact one of Metric & Multistandard’s customer service representatives at any of our five locations for assistance.
For technical and dimensional information, please view our product catalog.