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Split Collars, Two Piece

  • split_shaft_collar_sd_705

Metric Two Piece Split Shaft Collar item number 705SD is round shaft collar that comes in two pieces.  One piece shaft collars can only be installed by sliding it over the end of the shaft, whereas a Two Piece Split Shaft Collar can be taken apart and installed at any location on the shaft.

Two Piece Split Shaft Collars

Item number 705SD Two Piece Split Shaft Collar come with two socket head cap screws that are used to assemble the collar and clamp it onto a shaft. When the screws are tightened the collar exerts a clamping force on the shaft creating a fixed shoulder that acts as a stop on the shaft.

Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. offers item 705SD Two Piece Split Shaft Collar in Steel.
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