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Slotted Set Screws With Full Dog Point 417

Dog Point Slotted Set Screws are threaded fasteners without a head and a pronounced round tip that is flat at the end. Slotted Set Screws have a slot for turning with a flat blade screw driver.

Slotted Set Screws are used to bind two objects together by threading into one object and exerting pressure on the other object. The Dog Point is generally intended to fit into a groove or hole on the mating part creating a permanent connection in a specific location. Dog Point Set Screws can be used to replace dowel pins in some applications.

Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. offers DIN 417 Dog Point Hexagon Socket Set Screws in plain steel. Other materials may be available upon request, please contact one of our customer service representatives for assistance.

Slotted Set Screws With Full Dog Point 417