Due to the increasing tariffs on steel and imports from Europe and China, all prices are subject to change.

Midget Wrench Sets

Normal wrenches have a 30-degree offset in the head to allow for rotating hex bolts by thirty degrees at a time. That is s too much for some very tight situations. That’s where midget/ignition wrenches come in. With a 15-degree offset on one side and an 80-degree offset on the other, you only need five degrees of rotation to spin a bolt.

Metric & Multistandard stocks metric midget wrench sets from 4x4mm to 13x13mm (10 pc set) & 4x4mm to 17x17mm (14 pc set).

Metric and Multistandard Components Corp.

Metric and Multistandard Components Corp. is the oldest and most experienced fastener supplier of Metric Fasteners and industrial components.  Metric & Multistandard stocks over 48,000 high-quality metric fasteners and industrial components at all five of our locations.  Metric & Multistandard sales staff is technically trained to thoroughly understand the metric fasteners and industrial components that we sell.  Please click request a quote here.  To speak to a sales representative and learn more about Threaded Fasteners, please select one of our 5 US locations or 1 European location below to contact us.