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Keen-Type Solid Thread Inserts

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Keen-Type Solid Thread Inserts are threaded fasteners that have both an internal and external thread. Keen-Type Solid Thread Inserts are used to repair a damaged thread or in new productions to provide a wear resistant thread in soft materials.

Metric Keen-Type Solid Thread Inserts are installed into holes that have been tapped with a metric screw thread size. Keen-Type Solid Thread Inserts have locking pins that protrude from the top of the insert which can be either pressed or tapped into the hole after the insert has been screwed into a threaded hole.

Designed To Provide Strong Wear Resistant Threads To Relatively Soft Materials

  • Aluminum
  • Magnesium
  • Cast Iron
  • Plastic
  • Cold Rolled Steel
The prong locking feature provides tremendous assurance that the insert will not back out of the hole due to vibration or removal of the mating male thread. Because certain internal thread sizes have a choice of external thread (Thinwall or Heavy), we add the suffixes “T” & “H” to denote the differences.

Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. offers Metric Keen-Type Solid Thread Inserts in Steel and Stainless Steel.

Metric and Multistandard Components Corp.

Metric and Multistandard Components Corp. is the oldest and most experienced fastener supplier of Metric Fasteners and industrial components.  Metric & Multistandard stocks over 48,000 high-quality metric fasteners and industrial components at all five of our locations.  Metric & Multistandard sales staff is technically trained to thoroughly understand the metric fasteners and industrial components that we sell.  Please click request a quote here.  To speak to a sales representative and learn more about Threaded Fasteners, please select one of our 5 US locations or 1 European location below to contact us.