Due to the increasing tariffs on steel and imports from Europe and China, all prices are subject to change.


Metric & Multistandard Components Corp.

Quality Policy

The Employees & Management of
Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. continually strive to provide
excellent customer service
in the form of
outstanding technical knowledge, immediate product availability,  
along with
accurate & timely delivery.
               4.2 M1 Quality Policy                    
ISO 9001:2015

Metric & Multistandard Components Corp.

Mission Context Statement

Our mission is to maintain being the most Comprehensive Metric Industrial Resource by consistently providing our customers with Exceptional Service and Immediate Product Availability from our distribution centers.  We strive to understand and meet customer’s needs.  We take responsibility to evaluate potential risk by closely monitoring our operations to meet their requirements.  We value integrity and loyalty when building relationships with all interested parties.  These relationships are done by our commitment, competence, and dedication to meet all their expectations of our organization.  We provide a full range of quality products; focus on the strength of our technically trained personnel; and provide accurate and timely shipments.
                                 4.2 M1 Context of MMCC