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Carriage Bolts

Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. carries DIN 603 Carriage Bolts in Property Classes 4.6 and 8.8, and A2 Stainless Steel and DIN 603 Low Carbon Carriage Bolts in Property Classes 4.6 that are supplied with a nut.

Carriage Bolts are threaded fasteners with a round head and a square neck immediately beneath the head. The Square neck will keep the Carriage Bolt from turning as a nut is tightened or loosened.

Carriage Bolts are suitable for attaching a fixture to wood where a round hole the same diameter of the bolt has been drilled through the wood. As a nut is tightened on the bolt the square neck is pulled into the hole which will keep the carriage bolt from turning.

Carriage bolts can also be used on metal parts where a square hole has been made that will accept the square neck of the bolt and hold it in place.

Since Carriage bolts do not have a drive feature they are really only suitable to use hold together items with the use a separate nuts.

Metric and Multistandard Components Corp.

Metric and Multistandard Components Corp. is the oldest and most experienced fastener supplier of Metric Fasteners and industrial components.  Metric & Multistandard stocks over 48,000 high-quality metric fasteners and industrial components at all five of our locations.  Metric & Multistandard sales staff is technically trained to thoroughly understand the metric fasteners and industrial components that we sell.  Please click request a quote here.  To speak to a sales representative and learn more about Threaded Fasteners, please select one of our 5 US locations or 1 European location below to contact us.