Steel Arbors
Metric & Multistandard Components Corp. offers a full line of Morse Taper Shank Arbors. An arbor is a device that holds a tool in a lathe or other types of cutting machinery. MMCC #217 Arbors have a morse taper of 1:30 and are designed to be used with MMCC #218 and # 219 shell machine reamers. Sizes for Metric & Multistandard arbors range from nominal size 2 (to be used with reamer nominal diameter 25-30) – nominal size 9 (to be used with reamer nominal diameter 89-100).Please contact one of MMCC’s 5 nationwide locations for further information on Arbors.
Metric & Multistandard’s sales team has the knowledge and experience to assist you in selecting the Arbor that is right for your application.
Metric & Multistandard’s sales team has the knowledge and experience to assist you in selecting the Arbor that is right for your application.